Event - Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Tech | MBN
22 Jun 2021 , 12:00 PM

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Tech


Join MBN's Bethany Rodgers-Rintoul as she hosts a panel discussion on diversity in STEM and why having a diverse workforce matters. 

Bethany will be joined by Amber Lawther (BI and Analytics, NHS NSS), Duncan Hart (CEO, Deepminer) and Fash Fasoro (Data Governance, HomePointr, and Programme Director at The DataKirk) in talking about why diversity is fundamental to the growth and development of any organisation and  how to create an inclusive environment that recognises, appreciates and embraces everyone.  

We will discuss all types of diversity- gender diversity, sexual orientation and able-bodied-ness are just a few of the important aspects that need to be included in the conversation.   

Diversity refers to difference and difference is what makes us all unique and should be a celebrated attribute. 

If you missed the event, check out the recap linked above.